Thursday, July 21, 2011

This is insanity.

Okay. So I was just looking up the side effects of a drug I'm starting (SIDE EFFECTS: The most common side effects of pregabalin are dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth, edema (accumulation of fluid), blurred vision, weight gain, and difficulty concentrating. Other side effects include reduced blood platelet counts, and increased blood creatinine kinase levels. Increased creatinine kinase can be a sign of muscle injury, and in clinical trials three patients experienced rhabdomyolysis (severe muscle injury). Therefore, patients should report unexplained muscle pain, tenderness or weakness to their doctors, especially if associated with fever and malaise (reduced well-being). Pregabalin has rarely been associated with angioedema (swelling of the face, tongue, lips, and gums, throat and larynx).

Antiepileptic medications have been associated with increased risk of suicidal thinking and behavior. Anyone considering the use of antiepileptic drugs must balance this risk of suicide with the clinical need. Patients who are started on therapy should be closely observed for clinical worsening, suicidal thoughts, or unusual changes in behavior.)

And what stuck out to me was this;

"Anyone considering the use of antiepileptic drugs must balance this risk of suicide with the clinical need."

Are you SERIOUSLY trying to tell me, that even though I am in pain and need this medication to feel BETTER that I have to BALANCE the risk of SUICIDE with my 'clinical need' ...I am SO angry right now it is not even funny. Why yes, this is what my life has turned into...A debate between killing myself and being in less pain. I am currently laughing right now because it is all I can do...This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever read. I don't even know what else to say...This is insanity. If this is goint to be my choices for the rest of my life, you know, weighing my options od killing myself and less pain, I might aswell just off myself now..(Don't panic. I'm not serious. Just trying to prove a point) Anyways, that's all I can say right now...I just needed to vent about that...

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