Thursday, December 30, 2010

Just Another Day.

Went shopping with Miss. B tonight. (She really should be 'Mrs. B'...She's one of the few people that I know that actually deserve to be married.) Anyways. Shopping is bullshit. I hate it. I hate trying things on, I hate standing in long lines, I hate how 100 people crowd into a store that should hold at the most, 45 people, and then all the body heat collects and it gets all sweaty and stale, I hate the prices, I hate the pushy, rude people and I hate that I used to enjoy shopping (Not a whole lot mind you, but more than I do now) and no longer can because of the insane amounts of physical pain it causes me. B-U-L-LSHIT!

I'm hungry. Can't eat cause I can't stand long enough to cook. Lately I've been living off toast and water and whatever we can order so that I dón't have to cook. Boournes. Though I did get like an hour that was relatively painless last night...I cleaned our room and did the laundry. It was wonderful. (You probably can't tell, because it is uber hard to detect sarcasm via internet...But I'm actually NOT being sarcastic. I live for those few little spurts of pain free time that I get so that I can actually do things. Speaking of doing things, some company...City Media or some shit wants me to work for them or something. I don't know if I will be able to dedicate the time and energy to all of that. But Miss. B says do it. Killer cash. We'll see.

Can I just say to anyone in the world that owns one cat...You MUST get another one. It is so hard at first, especially if they hate eachother. But my god is it ever worth it! Two cats = 10x the hilarity. They're always doing stupid things together and I love it. (That was random wasn't it?)

Anyways, I'm getting really I'm pretty tired...Plus codeine will do that to you...And I have to go practive this video game...Can't remember what it's called...While Mr. M is at work so I can rock him at it when he he gets home. Buahahahaha. Okay, I think that is all for now.

Much Love,

Miss. W

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