Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My Pup Is The Best Medicine I've Got

So, I'm trying not to worry so much about my test results as I've worried myself into the ground and I'm really tired. I've been cooking and cleaning all day to try and get my mind off of everything. It's worked a little but now I hurt worse than I did this morning. My leg has been hurting a lot lately. As has my lower back. *sigh* The boyfriend and I are taking a road trip out to see his family this weekend. Which is nice, I always love our car trips together :) And this time we get to bring our new puppy :) He's 11 weeks old and adorable.

He is a Basset puppy and very sweet and cuddly. He is currently, the best medicine available. He brings joy to me everyday. He makes me laugh and smile constantly with his sweet sad face and huge floppy ears(while there is equal amounts of unhappiness at the moment while he teethes and destroys things, that will get better in time) He is a big clown who loves to chase the cats. He is always tripping over his long ears and he is really starting to like his walks. I was feeling really crappy earlier today, (pain wise) and I knew he needed to go for a walk but I wasn't sure I had it in me. But since he is a living thing and has needs, I decided that I had to suck it up and take him out if even for a little bit no matter how much pain I was in. So, we went for a walk and I feel better :) Not necessarily my leg...But my heart and my head do. I love this little creature so much. I think that he is going to be a big part in my rehabilitation.

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