Monday, March 14, 2011


Alright, so my dad got a job yesterday, and Mr. M was at work...I was in a lot of pain and exhausted, so I laid down for a nap...I had the most terrifying experience of my life when I 'woke up' ...I could not move, or open my eyes...I had the strangest feeling that someone was in the house with me, even though I was very aware I was alone. I even kept hearing someone snoring...I kept drifting in and out because I knew I was still tired, but every time I tried to fall back asleep I was too scared. I just barely could open my eyes and I kept on seeing things moving...Now I have two cats, but in this state, I just couldn't think straight...It was awful...I woke up at three...Its now 4:30 and I STILL feel freaked out...Anyways, I looked it up and I think it's called 'Sleep paralysis' Its happened to me once before, but I was driving back from Edmonton with Mr. M, so I don't know...It wasn't as bad? I just felt like my body and mind were fighting...Like, my brain wanted me to wake up, but my body and muscles wouldn't let me...

Here's a little bit about it..

Sleep paralysis occurs either when falling asleep, or when awakening. When it occurs upon falling asleep, the person remains aware while the body shuts down for REM sleep, and it is called hypnagogic or predormital sleep paralysis. When it occurs upon awakening, the person becomes aware before the REM cycle is complete, and it is called hypnopompic or postdormital. The paralysis can last from several seconds to several minutes "by which the individual may experience panic symptoms"

In addition, the paralysis may be accompanied by terrifying hallucinations (hypnopompic or hypnagogic) and an acute sense of danger.[9] Sleep paralysis is particularly frightening to the individual because of the vividness of such hallucinations.[8] The hallucinatory element to sleep paralysis makes it even more likely that someone will interpret the experience as a dream, since completely fanciful or dream-like objects may appear in the room alongside one's normal vision.

Some people with disrupted sleep schedules or circadian rhythm disturbances experience sleep paralysis

A study found that 35% of subjects with isolated sleep paralysis also reported a history of wake panic attacks unrelated to the experience of paralysis

Sixteen percent of these persons with isolated sleep paralysis met the criteria for panic disorder

So, a lot of those things are true...Right after my car accident I used to wake up from panic attacks a lot...I also have PTSD...It also said that one of the common reasons is just a ton of stress...Which I have had...So, I see my doctor on Thursday, I guess I will speak with her about it then...

As far as my body goes things have been pretty up and down...I think I'm heading down again...I was in so much pain this morning I was having trouble breathing. Not good...I was doing quite well after my two facet joint injections, but yet again...after only a few weeks my pain is just coming back. I think that we'll probably go through with the MRI, I am quite sad though because he has informed me that if these injections didn't work that I needed a new doctor...and when I laughed, assuming that he was just being hard on himself, he told me that he was very serious and that we would have to get me looked at elsewhere. *sigh* I guess we'll just have to see what the MRI says...

I also have a dilemma...I have no painkillers and my doctor that gives me my prescription isn't in until the 24th. Fml. I have TWO left. That will most likely not even get me through today...Crap on a cracker...I'm so tired...I only got to nap for like a half hour before that awful incident...Maybe I'll try again...Or not..Because I am legitimately terrified by that experience.

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