Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Longest Week Ever?

So, I was supposed to go to an appointment this morning at 11am. However, being that I was up until 6:30am feeling like crap, that did not happen. But tomorrow, I have a very important doctors appointment, a job interview AND am going to Miss. B's audition (Which I can't sit in on SADLY! but is about the only part of this day that I am looking forward to) You see, I am seeing a NEW doctor tomorrow. Which means, all the poking and prodding and 'does this hurt' ...'YES!'...'Oh, well how about this?' the doctor says as he pokes you harder in the same spot..and stories I've told a bazillion times...Is going to have to be re-lived when I go tomorrow. Bummer! SO NOT looking forward to that. *sigh* Then off to another doctors appointment on Thursday, and I haven't even booked physio, chiro, massage, or my other doctor yet this week. Then Friday I don't know what it is yet, but I know I have something happening. And then Saturday I've got a party, which is work for me. I know, great, right? (Again with the sarcasm thing...I'm actually being serious) Anyways, that's all I can vent right now. My back is killing me...Must go eat toast so that I can take pain killers...(Right, need a re-fill...Maybe I'll do that on Friday. Oh, and while I am reminding myself of things, I also need to phone and book my cortisone injection...Bleh)

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