Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Terry's Chocolate Orange Incedent.

Okay, so I am currently sitting at a very uncomfortable computer desk at the moment..So this won't be a long post as I am sick as well and am having trouble taking my medication because that is hard on my stomach on a good day. I just wanted to say that I probably have the sweetest man in existence. I will tell you why. Mr. M and I like to do our shopping late at night. As our grocery store is open 24 hours and I don't like the rush of peoples I tend to walk slower now that I have my cane and whatnot. Also, to preface this there is one thing you should know about me. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Terry's chocolate oranges more than any other Christmas thing...Now then, back to the story. As we are taking the items out of the cart to put them on (I'm usually pretty eloquent...However, I'm not at this particular moment..What the hell is that thing called?!) and in the far corner of the cart I notice a Terrys Chocolate orange! This is my thought process 'Hey look! A Terry's Chocolate Orange!' ... 'I don't think that was in there before...' ... 'I like Terry's Chocolate Oranges' ... *Look at Mr. M to see him grinning* 'BABY!' :D :D :D And I smiled from ear to ear, and just like that, he had the happiest girlfriend alive. Then add to that the fact that he took amazing care of me ALL day today...Sweetest. Man. ALIVE! :) Anywho. Most of my posts have been pretty depressing...So I will leave this one as it is. Because I think it's decently happy. And I will save my depressingness for later :P

Lots of love,
Miss. W

1 comment:

  1. cute! I love them too! I LOVE LOVE LOVE white chocolate and this year I found a white chocolate one!!! SOOOO tasty! :) hmmm...
