Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Years Morning

I find it really depressing that I barely finished a glass of wine last night and woke up this morning with a killer headache. How unfair? Didn't even get to get stupid drunk and I'm still paying for it. Greeeeat.

I would also like to note that I am infuriated with hotmail at the moment. I haven't been able to check my email for three days now (My email is my work). I get a message that says 'We're doing maintenance...blah blah blah...If you've been waiting more than an hour let us know by clicking here...Then they provide a link that I have to search all over the fucking place to get to a forum where I can post my issue...Then they tell me all these things that *I* can do to try and make it work. I'm sorry, *I* did not cause the problem. You did. They tell me to 'optimize my browser' so as to make sure that my browser is not the problem. No, I just told you. *I* did not cause this issue. You! Did! So here was my post;

I haven't been able to get onto my email for three days now. I am very frustrated and do not think that I, or anyone else should be solving an issue that you guys caused. My browser is not contributing to the issue as my boyfriend can sign into his email just fine. Please fix my account.

Fucken assholes. I have had hotmail for many years now, NEVER had a problem with them until now. And Im probably having issues with them because I just recently told my father about how great they are and that I have never ever had any problems with them. God dammit.

My leg is bad today. I went to take my painkillers this morning and realized that I am running low. Which I think is bad because I only got them on December 16th. So, now my doctor is probably going to think I am an addicted drug seeker or whatever...Yeah, forget the excruciating pain that I go through on a regular basis...THAT has nothing to do with it. Im taking about 6 pills a day, yes. But I am taking them properly. I take two every four to six hours. Honestly one of my biggest issues since my car accident has been asking for pain killers. I HATE doing it. I feel like people always see the worst in everyone else, so they assume I am going to take these drugs, melt them, shoot them up and then sell them on the street to cracked out prostitutes. Now, of course I know that is not whats happening to them. The real, and much more boring story is that; I get up in the morning...In a ton of pain...I take two pills...Two hours later they wear off, I wait the other two hours until I can take them again, and then I do. Rinse, repeat...All day...Every day. I know, not nearly as glamorous as my other story right? Now, I am not going to sit here and defend myself...You know....The whole, Im not addicted, I know Im not...I can stop taking them whenever I want! ...Cause well, lets face it...That just makes you sound like an addict. I dont care what people think. I know what I know. And thats all you need to know! Hah. I think that is one of my greatest traits...My sense of humor...its one of the only things that keeps me going. I just re-read that only to rrealize that it was much more humerous in my head. Ah well. I'm still funny dammit!

Anywho, Im going to go eat my wonderful breakfast of...Toast...Mmmmm.
Happy New Year

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