Thursday, January 20, 2011

Tsk Tsk Tsk

So, I was extremely upset after my doctors appointment yesterday. Heres why; I haven't been to see that doctor for SEVEN MONTHS and seven months ago they were nice to me there. She then asked about my medication. When I told her my pain levels were bad and I was taking 6-8 pills a day she then scolded me about how bad it was for me. It's awful for my liver...Blah blah blah. Yes. I KNOW this! But instead of giving me crap how about HELPING me and my pain. So, she does try...She offers me ridiculously expensive medication, knowing that I have no health coverage...But thats not all. She also offers me medication that you only take at night...Riiiight because as we all know I'm only in pain at night! (Sarcasm) Oh! and then she kept trying to shove anti depressants down my throat. Really? I'm not depressed. Yes. I am sad. A lot. But you try living your damn life in pain EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. You try living your life never having a day to relax because you have to see a billion doctors. You try living your life never being able to keep up with people or do any of the things that you want to do. And we will see how your mood is :) Sooo, that was yesterday. I went home crying.

Today, I had my upper SI joint injected again, god that is so unbelievably painful. And long! Its not just one quick thing. Its like 5 minutes of needles in your body. OUCH. The nurses were really nice though. Same with the doctor. I have to go again next Thursday to have my greater trochanteric bursa injected. Hopefully that all goes well. Anyways, I'm going to work on fundraiser stuff. Later.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jamie, I hope you are well. I have left an award for you over at my blog x
