Monday, January 10, 2011


So, I've been a crappy blogger. Have had to deal with some family things. Which I won't be sharing. This blog is about me, and all my problems :P Anyways, the pain has been bad. REALLY bad. Do you have any idea how hard it is to sleep when you can't lay on either side? I have never ever been able to sleep on my stomach or back. So I sleep on my sides. However, that has been majorly difficult as of late because of two things. o1) My God damn leg. It's been pretty bad since being poked at and aggravated at my IME. and o2) Every time I lay on one of my sides, my freaking arms/shoulders go numb. I have been so frustrated with it that I have pretty much been crying myself to sleep at night. I have to toss and turn more than I regularly do and I am NEVER comfortable. You know, I don't even remember what it feels like to just sit, or lay down and not feel pain. And to be comfortable. Wow, how sad is that? So, I'm not sleeping well, which means I am tired ALL the time. I never want to get out of bed. It just hurts so much...And I really just don't have the energy. I just feel bad all the time. I've been crying daily...I can't deal with this right now. I also haven't been out of my house to do anything fun in a long time. But as easy as that seems, its not. I get up, and do as much as I can at home and then I'm pretty much toast. Okay...Well, I just wanted to update because I haven't done any posts lately. I feel like crap. I'm going to lay down I guess.

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